Monday 30 May 2011

Facebook gossip pages vilify students

From The Age newspaper:

This new sosical media have advantages and disadvantages.  In the old days, gossip was spread in word.  Often it is hard to know where it come from.  When teacher came to investagate, they have no proof.

With the teachnology such as Facebook, Twitter, My space and mobile phone, the gossip and rumour get spread very quickly to outside of school setting.  I think that's where the problems are.  For the person who started posting these items, it is possible to trace back to who said what.  Approiate consequences can be dish out to the student who made the offence.  I would like to see the media reporting on what happen to the student who started the gossip and rumour as an example for other student not to do it.

Assignment 3

I am so undecided on what I want to do for this assignment.  I have tow option:

1.  Software Development cycle for year 11.  This is an introduction to year 12 software development stream.

2.  Using some software to help students have better understanding of Mathematics for year 7 to 10.  This might link into VELS on using ICT for visualization.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Twitter lesson

Found this on the internet.  It is a very interesting way of using media to teach twitter.  It make me dizzy but I am sure the young one like it.  Enjoy....

Would love to learn more over the holiday.  This will make the dry lesson more interesting.

Monday 16 May 2011

Setting restriction for individual post

Do anyone know how to do restriction on individual post in Blogger?  I found out how to restrict on your blog as a whole but not individual post.

I know it is possible to do it in WordPress.  Wish I have used it earlier.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Social Issue - Opne Source Software Yr 11

I spend about 20 minutes in Year 11 IT class talking about Open Source Software.  It can be related back to copy right issue.

I started with getting student thinking about the game maker files.  If you get an executable files and you like to change part of it, it is not possible.  But if you have the Game Maker File, you can modify it.

Successful Example:
Firefox, Linux, Open Office and Doom

We talked about how people make money from it.
And how some people use it to improve their skill in order to get a better job.

We look at how it can be manage.  Also explain that other company use similar method to manage their project.

Overall, it is a good lesson.  Student have some experience of using an Open Source Software.  I feel that introducing this topic will expend their resource for the future.  In short terms, I will be interested to see if they use the idea in their assignment.  In Long Terms, I hope they remember this if they want to find some software to use.